Hi! Please, call me Shari. I'm an abstract artist based in the twin island of Trinidad and Tobago.
I have been creating art for as long as I can remember. My initial love was for portraiture but that didn't stir the joy that I've found in the freedom and spontaneity of abstract art. I loveee colour and melting and mixing them together on a canvas. My work is usually bright, full of life, full of movement and full of texture.
Many things inspire me - from the pattern milk makes in a cup of coffee to the clouds in the sky or the soothing window breeze from a car ride. The many things that spark my creativity are too numerous to count. One thing though, stands out above the rest - music. It goes hand in hand with the art that I create. I don't think I've ever made art without accompanying music, it's that important to my process and I often use it to inspire my pieces.
Music means a lot to me so I listen to almost everything under the sun. However, I would tie classical, instrumentals and lo-fi (hip-pop instrumentals) the most to my art. I know, it's a peculiar mix. There's nothing though like when a good string section kicks into high gear or a beat drops and hits you right in the feels! It sets my mind on fire and I just can't fight the urge to create. Oh and I'm a movie buff so of course I go looking for movie soundtracks as well. I've dreamt of being a composer strictly for movies but don't tell anyone I said that, we're talking about art right now.
Art is many things for me - a safe space, my escape, my fun, my therapy. It has been INVALUABLE to my mental health. I love the messiness of it all - the paint all over my hands, nose and hair. It somehow is surprisingly refreshing - to know that something beautiful can come out of something seemingly chaotic and messy. I'm still learning and that's okay because the journey to something better is so much fun.
The tools I use to create a painting may be the most random aspect about my process. I grab anything at hand - a trowel, chopsticks, plastic wrap, scrubbing brush, you get the idea. Anything that can be used to embody all that I'd like to express, becomes useful to me and I put it to work! I sanitize them all before they're used though, promise. Once something is created that can stir a feeling or provoke a thought, I'm content. My hope is that one of my pieces can do that for you in your space.
So thank you for taking the time to read a little about me. If you would like to keep up with my quirky ramblings, feel free to check out my blog or subscribe to it (button below). I'll be sharing my thoughts and journey on the new pieces that I create, along with the music and the random things that inspired it.
"What is lost in life, we find in art." - Claude Monet
Never stop creating and stay inspired my friends.