"Well Covid is raging again" - I thought. Then possibly 10 seconds later, "Well Covid never really stopped raging Shari." I had just heard the news broadcast that our little island had punched 700+ positive cases and 30+ deaths that day! And as the days went along, the numbers continued to rise. So to say the very least, I started to feel a bit overwhelmed. EVERYWHERE you turned, was either completely terrifying news or just plain sad news.

Besides my usual self-care routine, I sought escape. I NEEDED something to distract me, get me out of my head - and urgently. So I did what I know best to do, I put on some music. I came across an English duo, Febeuder. Their use of airy vocals and percussions was so engrossing and all I needed to inspire me to paint. ​​​​​​​

I listened to Febeuder's full album Tomalin Has Etched In while painting but take a listen to one of my favourite tracks below while you read.

Febeuder's song "Réseau"
I can't say that I had a plan going in but all I know is that I needed to put something out. I put on my headphones, tuned out the world and got to work. "Bloom" was the result. 

The Painting | "Bloom"
I won't say there's this deeper meaning behind it. My simple interpretation behind it is, something's moving, something's happening - something's blooming. I just wanted to convey the idea that chaos doesn't last forever, it does end, it has to. So the world is a mess right now, but it doesn't have to consume us completely, we can cope and when it's all over, bloom into something beautiful
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